Freshly Baked Goods

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12 regions within Uzbekistan, all of which have their own distinctive style of bread

Our pleasure for tasting locally made bread began long before visiting Uzbekistan - picnic style loaves on an Icelandic road trip comes to mind - although it’s safe to say, pleasure turned to adoration after seeing first-hand the love and affection shown towards baking dough in all corners of this remarkable country. In search of a fresh disc of bread or two is a delightful way to begin the day, whether picking up directly from a traditional bakery, out of a wheelbarrow or wooden cart at a bazaar, or even sitting in a teahouse along with some hot green tea.

When enjoying your freshly baked bread, be sure to tear a piece by hand, as it’s frowned upon to cut with a knife, one of many reasons highlighting the respect Uzbeks show to this faithful companion. Being so accessible in size, taste and shape, Uzbek bread - known locally as non or lepeshka - is a perfect accompaniment to breakfast, road trips, house parties, and even weddings.

Once the dough has been kneaded and before it enters the oven, it’s stamped with either a chekich (often a delightful wooden handle with metal pins attached) or bosma (a press the size of the entire dough). While these stamps create intricate patterns, which form the distinctive artistic style known throughout Central Asia, the practical motive is to dissuade the bread rising high similar to a western loaf. Throughout Uzbekistan, the variety of types of bread changes as you travel around. A softer finish in Tashkent, thicker in Samarkand, thin and crispy in Khiva, a seeded topping in Bukhara, and the artistically superb designs of Fergana Valley.

Whilst you’ll find an assortment of bread styles throughout Central Asia, we always come back to the smell of a fresh Uzbek loaf lingering pleasantly in our memory, a necessary companion until it’s time to return for another bite.


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