The Central Collective

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Canyons Kazakh Style

90 Km, the length of the Charyn Canyons

A stone's throw from the Chinese border and nestled in the foothills of the Tian Shan mountains lies the Charyn State National Park, a protected region of Kazakhstan that is starting to make its way into the international press, and for good reason. The country has seen a spike in adventure tourism in recent years and this widely unknown thrill-seekers paradise is an example of what this fascinating ‘stan’ can offer those when seeking the great outdoors - and believe us, this place is way more than just an expansive desert.

The park holds an abundance of natural treasures, luscious valleys transport the snowmelt in the spring and are the hub for all things water-based, these gushing rivers are a paradise for challenging white-water rafting and extreme canoeing, for those looking for something a little more leisurely we insist it is required to hop onto a nearby moored boat and head out in search for a species of Kazakh fish endemic to the region, the Naked Osman.

The stars of the show (so we think) are the intricate network of canyons located within the drier side of the park, these canyons or the often referred - ‘grand’ canyons, are five naturally cut deep gorge ravines boasting vibrant layered colours that wind their way through the soft ancient sedimentary rock, the layers caused from continuing erosion from the Charyn River have created a mesmerising ‘rainbow’ effect as you peer down the 100-metre vertical drop.

The icing on the cake at Charyn is the Sogdian Ash forest, these rare trees are true flora warriors and are highly respected within the region, as they’ve battled their way through the last ice age and have managed to stand tall to the present day, a natural time machine you could say.

The Charyn State National Park is a short hop across the border from Kyrgyzstan, with this in mind, the park is a must-visit trip from Bishkek in the summer, or, if nearby in the winter we recommend a short diversion to the Silk Ski City - Shymbulak.